Friday, August 10, 2007

Koh Samui: Beaucoup des francais...

We arrived in Koh Samui late on Thursday night and checked into our place. It is a really neat resort nestled into the side of a cliff literally. Our "room" is actually a little hut with an amazing view of the Chaweng beach and the gulf of Thailand. We are just south of Chaweng and just north of Lamai beach. Today we got up and spent some time at the pool and then headed into town. We rented a scooter/motorcycle thing and were off. Immediately Jay started driving on the American side of the street at which point Vanessa started screaming. Then with a quick jerk and a gut wrenching twist, he pulled the bike right and we were ok from then on. We tried to go to some beach we saw on the map but couldn't find much other than rocky beach. Somehow we happened upon a neat little lunch spot and had traditional Thai soups from coconuts. Unfortunately we read the tour book at lunch and it mentioned all the tourist accidents on motorbikes caused from stray dogs and falling coconuts and got freaked out. We rode very cautiously home and spent the late afternoon reading at the pool (cool disappearning edge/Jay pool!). Tomorrow we are going to see these neat rock formations, hit the beach and get one last massage on the beach. Then we are heading back to Bangkok for the night before our early Sunday morning flight (Sat. night U.S. time). We realized tonight at dinner that between the two of us we have not picked up even one word of Thai. Pathetic. Luckily all of the french are here for their month off so we've been able to brush up on that. A bientot!

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