Thursday, July 26, 2007

Monopoly Money, Malaria Pills, & Visa Photos

We are in the throws of last minute travel prep. I stopped by the currency exchange this morning and swapped some funds for an envelope of Thai Baht....if not for numbers on one corner of one side of the notes, I might as well be looking at Monopoly money. However, I checked a currency calculator online and it looks like we received a fair exchange (30.29 to $1)!

I spoke to the doctor's office and my malaria pill perscription is due for pick-up shortly. Everyone I know who has taken these pills has warned of crazy dreams...this gives me some pause. Those of you who know Vanessa know that her dreams are erratic, frequent, and absolutely bizarre before introducing foreign substances. Can't wait for the 22 hour flight. Should be interesting.

Finally, we had extra passport photos taken for our Visas for Cambodia. My photo offers the visage of a Frenchman of questionable judgement and hygiene but, hey, it was on the way home from my morning dog walk and God willing, the only person who will see it is a Cambodian Customs officer...I'm not a prideful man.

What else?... We have received great advice from many of our experienced and well travelled friends. A brief shout-out to all those who have answered questions and offered assistance: Deb, John & Joanna, Ryan & Lisa, Bobby, & anyone who I have forgotten.

Clark W. Menton has no idea that he is about to spend 12 days in the lush & discerning accomodations of Bark-Chicago Kennels (translation: under the West Loop El tracks). The hotel offer individual dog suites and ample views of the countryside (read: alley and chain-link fence). As a dog of very discriminating taste with an appetite for soup bones and Frosty-Paw deserts this will be a good experience for him. With any luck, he will not forget the considerable training and sage advice I have offered in his brief and priveleged time in our home.

I am sure there will be some last minute items to address early next week but, we are thrilled to set out on our adventure and to share the stories with the small and loyal following of this blog.

Talk to you soon!


PS- The above photo of the Tokyo airport departures monitor concerns me....

One week till Thailand

Hi all,

We're getting very psyched for our trip to Thailand and Cambodia! We're leaving next Wednesday morning from Chicago. We fly to Minneapolis, Tokyo, and then finally Bangkok.

The plan is: 2 nights in Bangkok, 2 nights in Chiang Mai, 2 nights in Siem Riep, 1 night in Phuket, 2 nights in Koi Samui and then back to Bangkok for one last night before an early flight out the next day.

We start our malaria pills tonight. Looking forward to the dreams...may need a separate blog just for those...